Suka Suka Suka.. sgt suka..
Thanks Kak Nor sbb bagi cadangan kt zura utk wat kek nie..
Tapinyer... malu je kat Kak Nor..
Kek zura punyer laa serabai..
wat dlm keadaan kelam kabut..
last minute br terpikir nk wat kek nie..
Arini plak ada majlis kenduri sedara belah asben..
Lama plak melepak kt sana..
Asben rancak sgt berborak x kan nk kaco..
Dh siap kt kenduri..
aku pecut ke kedai plak beli whipping cream..
nk wat ganache utk topping cake..
Balik umah dh kul 5.30ptg...
Jamuan nk wat lepas maghrib.,.
korang bayangkan ler... kek x adun pon lagik..
Tapi.. anak2 sedara ku ber4 dtg umah nk tlg aku wat kek..
adusss.. sejuk hati aku...
then aku agih2kan tugas..
ayak tepung.. bagai... then yg besar skit tlg putar guna mixer..
seronok plak dgn bebudak nie..
tp dlm hati aku.. rasa cam x jadik je kek aku nie..
Tapinyer.. agaknyer bebudak tu tlg aku ikhlas..
hasil kek tu lembut dan moist sgt..
Dan yg plg hepi..
diorg makan dgn seleranyer..
Huhuhu.. terharu...
Ok saper nk cuba..
Kak Nor.. zura C&P je erk.. TQ
sumber: Ayu S'pore
1 cup all purpose flour
1/4 cup cocoa powder-( Ayu used Valrhona cocoa powder)
3/4 tsp bicarbonate soda
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup granulated sugar-Ayu used 1/4 cup
1/2 brown sugar- Ayu used 1/4 cup
65g butter
1 large egg
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 cup buttermilk- (homemade 1 cup milk added with 1 tbsp distilled vinegar leave to rest for about 20 minutes, but use 1/4 cup only ya for this recipe)
1/2 cup warm water
Set your oven at 170C
Prepare your cake tins.
Sieve flour, cocoa powder, bicarbonate soda, salt, and set aside.
Beat butter with sugars until light and fluffy, add eggs.
When all well incorporated add the dry ingredients (flour, cocoa powder etc) and alternate with liquid ingredients (buttermilk + warm water) in three portions, last incorporate the vanilla extract.
Bake for about 30 minutes or until just cooked
Cream Cheese Frosting-(make 1/2 the amount next time)
250g Philadelphia cheese-(next time just use 1/2 this amount for the cream cheese)
125 butter
1 cup icing sugar-Ayu used 1/4 cup
1 tsp vanilla extract
juice of a squeezed slice of lemon
Beat the cheese and butter, just until creamy, add the icing sugar, vanilla and lemon juice.
Chocolate Ganache-(make 1/2 the amount next time)
200ml double cream with at least 30% fat content-I used whippping cream
250g dark chocolate, chopped finely
a pinch of salt
In a double boiler, warm the cream until just at boiling point, add the chocolate & salt and stir. When all the chocolate has melted, remove for heat and continue stirring until all well mixed.
Let the cake cool completely, spread the cream cheese frosting and pour the ganache on top.

Ni sardine puff guna puff pastry jenama Kawan..
biasanyer aku guna roti paratha..
tp saje nk cuma kelainan plak..
Suka Suka Suka.. sgt suka..
Thanks Kak Nor sbb bagi cadangan kt zura utk wat kek nie..
Tapinyer... malu je kat Kak Nor..
Kek zura punyer laa serabai..
wat dlm keadaan kelam kabut..
last minute br terpikir nk wat kek nie..
Arini plak ada majlis kenduri sedara belah asben..
Lama plak melepak kt sana..
Asben rancak sgt berborak x kan nk kaco..
Dh siap kt kenduri..
aku pecut ke kedai plak beli whipping cream..
nk wat ganache utk topping cake..
Balik umah dh kul 5.30ptg...
Jamuan nk wat lepas maghrib.,.
korang bayangkan ler... kek x adun pon lagik..
Tapi.. anak2 sedara ku ber4 dtg umah nk tlg aku wat kek..
adusss.. sejuk hati aku...
then aku agih2kan tugas..
ayak tepung.. bagai... then yg besar skit tlg putar guna mixer..
seronok plak dgn bebudak nie..
tp dlm hati aku.. rasa cam x jadik je kek aku nie..
Tapinyer.. agaknyer bebudak tu tlg aku ikhlas..
hasil kek tu lembut dan moist sgt..
Dan yg plg hepi..
diorg makan dgn seleranyer..
Huhuhu.. terharu...
Ok saper nk cuba..
Kak Nor.. zura C&P je erk.. TQ
sumber: Ayu S'pore
1 cup all purpose flour
1/4 cup cocoa powder-( Ayu used Valrhona cocoa powder)
3/4 tsp bicarbonate soda
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup granulated sugar-Ayu used 1/4 cup
1/2 brown sugar- Ayu used 1/4 cup
65g butter
1 large egg
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 cup buttermilk- (homemade 1 cup milk added with 1 tbsp distilled vinegar leave to rest for about 20 minutes, but use 1/4 cup only ya for this recipe)
1/2 cup warm water
Set your oven at 170C
Prepare your cake tins.
Sieve flour, cocoa powder, bicarbonate soda, salt, and set aside.
Beat butter with sugars until light and fluffy, add eggs.
When all well incorporated add the dry ingredients (flour, cocoa powder etc) and alternate with liquid ingredients (buttermilk + warm water) in three portions, last incorporate the vanilla extract.
Bake for about 30 minutes or until just cooked
Cream Cheese Frosting-(make 1/2 the amount next time)
250g Philadelphia cheese-(next time just use 1/2 this amount for the cream cheese)
125 butter
1 cup icing sugar-Ayu used 1/4 cup
1 tsp vanilla extract
juice of a squeezed slice of lemon
Beat the cheese and butter, just until creamy, add the icing sugar, vanilla and lemon juice.
Chocolate Ganache-(make 1/2 the amount next time)
200ml double cream with at least 30% fat content-I used whippping cream
250g dark chocolate, chopped finely
a pinch of salt
In a double boiler, warm the cream until just at boiling point, add the chocolate & salt and stir. When all the chocolate has melted, remove for heat and continue stirring until all well mixed.
Let the cake cool completely, spread the cream cheese frosting and pour the ganache on top.
Ni sardine puff guna puff pastry jenama Kawan..
biasanyer aku guna roti paratha..
tp saje nk cuma kelainan plak..
nampak menarik la kak zura ..tp tak reti nak wat buttermilk tu huhu
tergugat imanku tengok devils cake tu.....huhuhuuuu....
ruper pon dah menggoda...alahai
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